Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran's Memorial/ Veteran's Day 11-11-2008

The Memorial is finally complete after 4 years. It started with The City of Plano's approval of $1,000,000 plus for the project. I was selected for the planning board by the American Legion after the first year. Other military and civic organizations were also on the board. How could we best recognize the sacrifices of our military men and women, and their families for the citizens of Plano? We had many good ideas, but at the end we wanted a connection between the families and the Soldier. The two sculptures and overall monument were designed with this in mind. We interviewed several artist, and the city bid out the general contractor. The third year was wasted on getting all the required permits, and we were set back one year. Construction began in a central part of the City about 10 months ago on a site which had several years earlier been designated as Memorial Park: picnic area and playground for children started by one of our friends whose daughter was killed on the highway to Texas Tech. That area has been also revitalized with new equipment, trees, plaques etc. We have also a small oval grassy area in front for the children to play, even though it is a monument for reflection. Please enjoy the Veteran's Day ceremony on Flickr

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Anonymous said...

