Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Phinehas Pratt

Phinehas Pratt- Came on the "Sparrow" ca 1622, Plymouth( Mass.)1624, Weymouth, Charlston 1648, d there 19 Apr 1680. Phinehas Pratt and descendants 1897*; Lincoln, Higham, v 3.; from Founders of Early American Families; Emmigrants from Europe 1607-1657. The Sparrow was to come with the Mayflower in 1620; but, returned to England for repair of "leaks".

Undocumented but certainly in the realm of possibility, this site is dedicated to probable descendants of Phinehas to Herbert Allen Pratt and his children to the Grand Children of mine. From time to time I will publish information about the Pratts showing pictures and documents. (Generations still alive will provide permission to publish their materials)

All are welcome to Blog


Anonymous said...

Its a small world. Phineas Pratt is buried in a cemetery in Granville, Massachusetts, which is still the home of many of his ancestors. This picture is a replication of the gravestone, and was carried on a float in a parade in Granville to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the incorporatiion of The Town of Granville. Standing next to the tombstone is Will Pratt.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the date of death, it must have been a different Phineas Pratt

CAPII said...


You are correct. There is some work to be done on trying to put the time line together. After I get the William Bradford line documented, I am going to go over your Father's notes and the Phineas Book to see if there is a connection. e.g. Father-Son? Maybe someone will also respond to this Blog!


Anonymous said...

It looks like the Phineas Pratt who died in Granville was the son of Aaron Pratt who was the son of the Phineas Pratt who came over on the Mayflower.